90th Anniversary
Dec. 16th 2007.
Autumn drifts into Winter and the first signs of Christmas begin to
appear, it is an opportune time to reflect on the past year. At St.
Mary's, without doubt, the Highlight event was our 90th Anniversary and
Homecoming. The idea was conceived from the comment, "Something should
be done to acknowledge our 90th Anniversary", and expanded into a
successful celebration that involved over 400 guests and dignitaries who
participated in a Wine and Cheese, Divine Liturgy, and Formal Banquet.
were honoured by the presence of our Archbishop Most Reverend Lawrence
Huculak, members of the Clergy, Knights of Columbus. the Mayor of Sault
Ste. Marie, and Members of Parliament. Entertainment was provided by
Ukrainian Actress and TV personality, Luba Goy and by Ukrainian Dance
Groups from Sudbury and Sault Ste.Marie. Many former Parishioners of St.
Mary's, now living across North America, returned "Home" to renew
friendships and strengthen ties. Displays depicting our Ukrainian
culture and Parish history stirred our emotions and filled us with
nostalgia. As the Mayor aptly pointed out in his remarks, "Today,
everyone in Sault Ste. Marie is Ukrainian!"
We were especially
pleased to observe that there were so many positive "Spin-offs" from
this celebration. Most importantly, it rejuvenated our Parish. The
challenge to make our Anniversary a success required the co-operation
and involvement of every parishioner. Whether the need was for
decorating, serving on a committee, working on displays or making
cabbage rolls and perogies; everyone was willing and enthusiastic to
volunteer for the myriad of endless jobs. This has renewed our
confidence in ourselves and others.and strenghtened our resolve to meet
future challenges. One example is the recent interest in creating a
committee that would promote Ukrainian Culture in our Parish and
Community. Also there is a renewed interest and effort to obtain a much
needed elevator for our Church.
It is also important to note that
the success of our celebration also required the assistance of
non-parishioners, caterers, donors and the Business Community. We were
received with overwhelming enthusiasm, support and co-operation. This
assistance and respect has affirmed for us as a Parish that we must be
on the right track in our ongoing Mission to reach out to the Community.
We have an optimistic and positive sense that our 90th Anniversary is a
stimulus and renewed source of energy that will serve us well as we
continue to interact with various members of our Community in the
Finally, we wish to once again express our sincere thanks
and gratitude to everyone who attended, our volunteers, benfactors and
donors. Without your generosity and encouragement our 90th Anniversary
would still be only a "wishful idea" and not a SUCCESSFUL REALITY!
theme for our liturgies at St. Mary's is: "Welcome to our Parish...
Enter Expectantly... Breathe prayerfully... Worship reverently... Greet
others in love... Leave touched by God, and come again soon." We trust
and hope that Our 90th Anniversary Celebration touched many in some
special spiritual way. GOD BLESS and may the peace and joy of Christmas
be shared by you and your loved ones.










